BioMag® and CoMag® systems use ballast to dramatically increase biological treatment capacity in wastewater intensification applications. By adding ballast to wastewater, BioMag® and CoMag® systems can help meet enhanced nutrient removal limits and produce effluent quality far superior than conventional alternatives, and at lower life-cycle costs. Ballasted clarification uses magnetite - fully inert iron ore particles - to ballast/intensify biological floc or conventional chemical floc, enhancing settling rates and increasing the performance of wastewater and water treatment facilities, while substantially reducing costs to upgrade process performance. The ability to handle a wide variation in flows and loads minimizes the risks of upsets.
Many of the applications for Ballasted Clarification are custom designed for specific applications. In many cases these applications are part of a retrofit solution for an existing plant to expand capacity and/or improve effluent quality. For CoMag® systems, standard packages are available for new installations.