Ballasted activated sludge dramatically increases biological treatment capacity and helps meet ENR limits.
The innovative BioMag® system uses magnetite -- fully inert iron ore particles -- to enhance the clarification process. The system uses the world's fastest proven settling clarification technology for biological floc -- allowing capacity expansion and performance improvement with minimal plant modifications at the lowest cost possible. In fact, it consistently achieves a sludge volume index (SVI) of less than 50!
The BioMag system is primarily used to improve secondary wastewater treatment. It allows operators to control the sludge blanket, achieve high contaminant removal, and manage loads and flows.
Wastewater treatment facilities upgrade with the BioMag system to reduce the cost of complying with stringent new nutrient removal limits. In fact, Washington County, Maryland, recently decided to upgrade three of its facilities with the BioMag system.