The latest innovation in biological wastewater treatment.
The latest innovation in biological wastewater treatment.
The state-of-the-art ADI® AnMBR system combines anaerobic digestion with physical separation membranes, resulting in maximum organic load removal and biogas production. The technology produces a superior effluent quality compared to any anaerobic technology on the market.
Years of proven full-scale experience have demonstrated that the AnMBR is ideally suited for treating wastewater streams or slurries with very high concentrations of organics, solids, and fat, oil, and grease (FOG). The membrane barriers ensure complete solids retention, efficient system operation, and process stability at all times—even under peak hydraulic and organic loading conditions. Since gravity settling is not required, higher organic loadings and mixing intensities can be employed than with other anaerobic technologies.
To increase loading capacity and improve performance and effluent quality, existing anaerobic systems can easily be upgraded to an AnMBR. The system can also be paired with an ADI® aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) to provide complete treatment and meet even the strictest discharge requirements.