Mother nature can be incredibly destructive. Stormwater can cause untold damage, not only to structures and infrastructure but also to human life. Safeguarding against such damage is of paramount importance, as is ensuring the way excess water - both from storms and waste - is disposed of is done so in the best possible way.
The Regulations
EN 12050-1:2015 outlines regulations designed to prevent the backflow of any wastewater containing faecal matter into a building. It applies to lifting plants for drainage locations below flood level.
EN 12050-2:2015 provides regulations relating to lifting plants for faecal-free wastewater.
EN 12050-4:2015 applies to non-return valves, which are used for both faecal-free wastewater and wastewater containing faecal matter lifting plants.
The collection, management and pumping of wastewater and stormwater is regulated in order to avoid the backflow of water into buildings, preventing damage and injury to occupiers.
Various products for the management of wastewater in buildings have regulatory standards that must be met in order to be legally compliant.
How Xylem Can Help You Meet Wastewater And Stormwater Building Regulations
Any building development must have robust wastewater and stormwater plans in place. Failure to comply fully with the regulations which exist can result in flooding and other issues. Xylem’s extensive research into drainage systems has given us the expertise required to solve problems and bring you solutions that work.
Xylem Stormwater & Wastewater In Buildings Solutions
Xylem has a curated selection of products for collecting and managing wastewater and stormwater. Suitable for both residential and commercial properties, these technologies will help you to meet regulatory compliance requirements.
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