Zunehmend mehr Menschen haben neue Arbeitsmodelle für sich entdeckt. Insbesonder die Arbeit von verschiedenen Orten ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt. Wir werden mehr denn je sicherstellen, dass Sie schnellen und einfachen Zugang zu Online-Schulungen haben, die keine Fragen unbeantwortet lassen.
Diese Webinaren, an denen sowohl Xylem-Experten als auch Partner aus dem Versorgungssektor teilnehmen, befassen sich mit den Herausforderungen, die Wasser- und Abwasserversorgungsunternehmen betreffen und sind auf Ihre Anforderungen angepasst.

This presentation will introduce Ozone technology and its uses in drinking water treatment. We will provide background information on ozone and discuss how ozone is produced commercially for use in water treatment plants.

Climate change, population growth, competing demands, and contaminants are creating more and more stress on traditional drinking water supplies. Discover advanced treatment solutions being employed today to effectively treat wastewater for non-potable and potable uses.

Biologically active filtration in different forms has gained attention for its operational benefits in both water and wastewater systems. See advancements applied in BAF applications to improve performance and reliability.
Xylem Solutions Solve Wastewater Clogging and Reduced Staffing Issues
Utilities are experiencing increased clogging within their wastewater collection systems. This webinar will discuss available remote monitoring and control solutions that are greatly needed due to the reduced staffing and social distancing being implemented across the country.
Design of Self-Cleaning Prefabricated Lift Stations
Discover how the modern design of self-cleaning, prefabricated lift stations can reduce capital and operational expenditures while seeing the technology, design support, and applications where this has demonstrated success.
Smart Wastewater Infrastructure
21st century waste water system ops are being asked to overcome a myriad of challenges, with minimal resources and fewer people. Discover how solution providers are embedding intelligence into more of the traditional hardware and networking these intelligent devices into smart systems.
Design of Self-Cleaning Prefabricated Lift Stations
Discover how the modern design of self-cleaning, prefabricated lift stations can reduce capital and operational expenditures while seeing the technology, design support, and applications where this has demonstrated success.
Maximizing Performance by Making Your Data Work for You
Aging infrastructure, coupled with fewer resources, have limited water utilities' ability to be proactive with their assets. In this presentation you will learn about the tools that exist to generate useful data and the positive results from utilities that implemented these solutions.
Contingency Planning and “Smart” Design of Lift Stations using Backup Pumps
Learn about effective solutions to avoid SSOs at lift stations followed by a discussion of the “Smart, Safe, and Economical” option of designing lifts stations including a backup pump that provides both mechanical and electrical redundancy and “Peace of Mind” for municipal owners.