Downstream of their water intake, water utilities must eliminate algae, large organics and other solids from raw water to optimize performance of water disinfection and keep operational costs to a minimum. Learn how Xylem’s water purification solutions can help you efficiently provide high-quality potable water.
Xylem solutions for your water purification challenges
Xylem’s water purification solutions include water clarification systems and filtration solutions, backwashing pumps and online analytics. Discover how they can improve water quality, reduce water use, and increase efficiency.
Manage and retrofit existing infrastructure
To respond to the demand in clean water, you need to manage the replacement and retrofit of failing or under-performing infrastructure, which can be expensive. Our integrated filtration and clarification solutions, as well as our pumps, are all designed to easily fit and optimize your existing infrastructure. This helps reduce costs and improve the treatment process.
Limit operational costs for water purification
Your ability to limit operational costs depends on how well you can optimize process efficiency, reduce energy use and plan preventive maintenance. Xylem’s design of filtration processes, underdrains and backwashing pumps increases your overall efficiency, with optimal use of the filtration media and the highest hydraulic efficiency.
Water purification analytics for full compliance
Xylem’s solutions help you fully comply with water quality requirements, using integrated analytics and process controls. These online analytics and controls inform you well in advance of any quality failure and give you the ability to take immediate action.