The PV® Carbon Adsorbers are designed for use in a wide range of low/high flow and pressure applications.
Designed for use in a wide range of low and high flow and pressure applications.
The PV® Carbon Adsorbers are available as single adsorber vessels or assembled systems complete with manifold piping. Individual adsorbers (PV 500, PV 1000, PV 2000, and PV 5000 adsorbers) are rated for flow ranges from 25 to 250 GPM. Dual Adsorber systems (PV 5000SYS and PV 10000SYS adsorbers) are rated for flow ranges of 250 to 500 GPM when operated in series and 500 to 1000 GPM when operated in parallel. The adsorbers are designed for operating pressures up to 75 psig.