Xylem’s Edge Control set to cut energy use by 25%

Xylem’s Edge Control set to cut energy use by 25%

New smart wastewater treatment solution unlocks cost efficiencies for wastewater utilities.
Global water utilities account for approximately 2% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – the equivalent of the world’s shipping industry – and this figure is set to spiral. Xylem’s new suite of innovative digital solutions, Xylem Edge Control, will support wastewater utilities in mitigating a substantial portion of these emissions, quickly and affordably. The Edge Control solutions will enable cash-strapped utilities to achieve compliance targets while cutting energy consumption from aeration by up to 25%.

How Xylem’s Edge Control can help utilities save money on water treatment costs

Edge Control’s off-the-shelf suite of digital solutions for conventional activated sludge (CAS) plants enables wastewater operators to control and monitor their assets, improve nutrient removal, save energy and reduce costs.
These high-efficiency technologies apply analytics to real-time data to provide utilities with rapid process recommendations to optimize chemical usage and aeration. Edge Control combines four solutions:

  • Xylem Edge Control Pulsed Aeration
  • Xylem Edge Control Ammonia Removal
  • Xylem Edge Control Ammonia + Nitrogen Removal
  • Xylem Edge Control Phosphorous Removal1

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Energy savings in practice

We spoke with Jason Ingram, Plant Superintendent at Muncie Wastewater Treatment Plant, Indiana, where Xylem Edge Control Pulsed Aeration – an energy saving solution that can prevent over-aeration of underloaded plants – has been installed: “Home to Ball State University, the city of Muncie undergoes a major swing in population from around 70,000 people while school is in session to approximately 48,000 when school is out of session. That’s a decrease in population of over 30%. It is during these months of decreased load where we benefit from Pulsed Aeration most."

"With our upgrades from Xylem’s Pulsed Aeration, we are able to save $5,000 a month on energy costs.”

Pulsed Aeration is designed to improve the overall biological process of CAS plants, to provide adequate mixing and ultimately achieving energy savings. Research and implementation of Pulsed Aeration has shown energy savings of approximately 25% can be achieved through this breakthrough digital solution.

Commenting on the launch of Edge Control, Chris Taylor, Global Product Manager at Xylem stated:

“Wastewater utilities are constantly striving to ensure service reliability and compliance alongside the need to manage costs. Xylem Edge Control helps utilities confidently walk that line.”

Edge Control brings together Xylem’s digital and deep bioprocessing expertise in a suite of solutions that maximize process control while supporting utilities’ sustainability goals. The launch of the platform follows rigorous field testing across North America, including Washington and Indiana.

“Utilities around the world are well on the way to digitizing their networks and reaping major water, energy and cost efficiencies,” Taylor continued. “Xylem Edge Control is a multi-functional solution that meets utilities where they are on that journey – setting them up to unlock more of the benefits of digital transformation.”
Learn more about Xylem Edge Control.

Xylem Edge Control Phosphorous Removal will be available to customers globally later this year.