5 videos on how toilets make the world a better place

5 videos on how toilets make the world a better place

World Toilet Day, celebrated on November 19, is about taking action to ensure that everyone has a safe toilet by 2030. 60% of the global population either has no toilet at home or one that doesn’t properly handle waste. These videos show how toilets and sanitation make communities healthier and economies stronger.

1. Singapore went from few people using toilets in the 1960s to 100% of people today.

2. A new guide from WaterAid, UNICEF and WSUP explains how to make female-friendly toilets.

3. Bill Gates shows the results of the Gates Foundation’s Reinvent the Toilet Challenge.

4. Xylem Watermark shows how it develops and protects safe water resources around the world.

5. Unitywater asks kids what things are OK to flush down toilets. How about vegetables and wet wipes?

by Chad Henderson