Construction and Mining

Built in 1750, the Suomenlinna shipyard is a UNESCO World Heritage site that still has two active dry docks. The shipyard is part of the Suomenlinna Sea...

All Posts in Construction & Dewatering

Xylem’s Godwin pumps fill new Panama Canal lock basins

Xylem is playing an important role in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Xylem provided its heavy duty Godwin dewatering pumps to fill the third set of basin...

Xylem supplies mixers for Panama Canal expansion

Xylem has won a contract to provide specialized mixers for the Panama Canal expansion project. The enormous project will allow larger ships to pass through the...

Access to water and energy key risk for mining industry

In its latest report on the mining and metals industry, EY (formerly Ernst & Young) has named access to water and energy as one of the top ten risks facing...

Xylem floating pump station dewaters iron ore mine

When mining company LKAB needed to drain 35 million cubic meters of water from a flooded mine in northern Sweden, it contacted Xylem for a complete dewatering...