Water Utilities News

PFAS treatment is a growing area of concern for water utilities, businesses and communities, particularly as governments pass stricter regulations. Research...

All Posts in Covid

Xylem donates 300,000 units of personal protective equipment (PPE) to essential workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted the critical role that essential services workers play in our society – and the role that communities can play in...

Xylem funds WEF Chief Medical Officer to protect water professionals during COVID-19 and beyond

“There is a lot of science out there, and that science helps us to understand how to protect workers.” To help protect the health and safety of wastewater...

Smart utility network helps city reduce annual water loss by 12 million gallons

When the City of Dallas, Georgia, launched an initiative to get a handle on water loss, they couldn’t know how far the journey would take them. Solid results...

Xylem restores critical water supply to North Carolina city during COVID-19 outbreak

In late March this year, a critical pump failed at a water treatment plant in North Carolina, leaving local residents with restricted water use during the...

How digital innovation is helping water operators navigate COVID-19 and beyond

Bold digital technologies are driving major advances in how water is transported, treated, monitored and used by communities worldwide. This transformation is...