Webinar: Leveraging Real-Time Data Analytics and DMAs for Water-Loss Control

Webinar: Leveraging Real-Time Data Analytics and DMAs for Water-Loss Control

Industry experts Manuel Parra and Pablo Calabuig will unveil ground-breaking strategies for tackling water-loss control using real-time data analytics and District Metered Areas (DMAs). This 45-minute webinar will explore the latest technology and methodologies that are transforming water management. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how real-time data analytics can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of water-loss detection and proactive management.

Key Takeaways:

  • Integration of Real-Time Data Software and Analytics: Discover how real-time data can be leveraged within DMAs for more effective water-loss control, including the types of data most crucial for these analyses.
  • Understanding DMAs: Learn the fundamentals of virtual District Metered Areas (vDMAs) and how they differ from traditional DMAs in water distribution networks.
  • Advanced Leak Detection Techniques: Explore cutting-edge methods and tools used for leak detection and how they can be integrated within the framework of DMAs and real-time data analysis.
  • Case Studies and Real-World Applications: Gain insights from real-world customer examples where these technologies have been successfully implemented, including the challenges faced and the outcomes achieved.
  • Future Trends in Water Management: Understand the future implications of these technologies in water management and how they are expected to evolve to meet growing global water challenges.

This on-demand webinar includes a Q&A session with the presenters. 


Manuel Parra
Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

Manuel Parra is the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Xylem. In his role, he works with other industry leaders and companies to solve water and wastewater problems together. 

Prior to joining Xylem, Manuel was the Business Development Director for Water and Wastewater at AVEVA and he was the General Manager for Smart Water Software at Schneider Electric.  

Manuel is also co-founder and emeritus council member of SWAN, the Smart Water Network Forum, an international, non-profit organization whose mission is to increase awareness and accelerate the adoption of data-driven solutions in the water and wastewater sector.


Pablo Calabuig
Vice President of America’s Region 

Pablo is VP for the Americas Region at Idrica, .a software and analytics company born out of one of Europe's most innovative water utilities (Global Omnium). Idrica is providing utilities worldwide with a centralized platform for dashboarding visualization and advanced analytics use cases to support water and wastewater utilities to become more efficient, resilient and secure organizations. He graduated in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and UC Berkeley, and after working in Valencia’s utility as an Engineer he did his MBA at IESE Business School. He then joined the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, where he served the Madrid, Mexico City and New York Offices. Since 2019 he has been leading the expansion of Idrica in the Americas by helping cities like Mexico City, Monterrey, Barranquilla, Toronto, Houston, Long Beach and others in their digital transformation strategies.