White paper: Smarter condition assessment of metallic transmission mains

White paper: Smarter condition assessment of metallic transmission mains

Metallic pipes typically make up 65% of water and sewer pipelines, but because they fail differently than PCCP and other concrete pipes, you need alternative, cost-effective methods for managing them. Xylem’s new white paper explains how.

The white paper presents data-driven, risk-based approaches to effectively manage metallic transmission mains. These approaches can lead to long-term cost savings of up to 80% when compared to traditional replacement programs.

You will also learn how three utilities are using these asset management approaches to:

  • Avoid costly pipeline replacement
  • Create monitoring programs
  • Prioritize repairs and replacements
  • Extend asset life and optimize capital improvement costs.

Download the white paper:

How to build a risk-based approach to condition assessment of metallic transmission mains

by Chad Henderson