Whether you dog paddle or have an elegant butterfly stroke, aquatic activities are both fun and great for your health. With millions of annual visits to aquatic facilities, it is important that as an industry, we work collectively to ensure a clean and safe environment for bathers and spectators alike. For our team of water quality professionals, having a safe and fun swimming lesson is about improving both air and water quality. A pool shouldn't smell like a pool.
Case Studies

Community Center Makes A Splash With An Upgraded Facility
The Portland Parks and Recreation’s Matt Dishman Community Center is located on the site of the former Eliot Grade School. After the school was relocated, PP&R took it over in 1950 and remodeled the building, naming it the Knott Street Community Center. In the late 1960s, the local community lobbied to name the center after Matt Dishman, the first African-American Multnomah County sheriff and police officer in the city of Portland.
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Leisure Facility Tackles Increasing Chlorine Levels
With UV Chlorine Fell Below 0.2mg/l
Mid Sussex District Council chose to install medium-pressure UV disinfection units from a proprietary UV manufacturer when the pools were originally built, however they were not completely satisfied with the results. After noticing a deterioration in the water quality due to increasing combined chlorine levels, they decided to contact Evoqua Water Technologies for a solution.
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