Featured Outcome


City of South Bend saves $400 million in CapEx spending by reducing combined sewer overflow by 80%

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Featured Solution

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Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua: Optimizing decision making. Streamlining management of operations. Simplifying digital transformation. ​

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3 simple steps to supercharge your digital twin for next-level performance and cost-savings

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Cut energy use, emissions, and operating expenses to achieve greater levels of efficiency

Energy is frequently the largest non-personnel operating expense for water and wastewater utilities, currently accounts for an average of 40% of operational costs and is expected to increase to 60% within the next 15 years. Through data-informed insights, intelligence and control, Xylem Vue helps clients to achieve ever-greater levels of energy efficiency, unlocking financial savings, environmental benefits, and paving the way toward a net-zero emissions future.

See real-world client outcomes achieved with Xylem Vue

Utilities are realizing transformational results by leveraging Xylem Vue’s digital solutions and data-driven intelligence to make effective, informed decisions and plan more confidently for the future.


reduction in chemical consumption in main treatment process at Wisconsin utility

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reduction in aeration energy use while ensuring compliance for Germany treatment plant

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reduction in energy use for wastewater pumping station in Trbovlje, Slovenia

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in annual energy savings for Indiana WWTP with Xylem ammonia-based aeration control strategy

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reduction in energy consumption for Suffolk County DPW in New York

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reduction in energy consumption while improving capacity at WWTP in Hammarby Sjöstadsverk, Sweden

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  • What our clients are saying

    “The plant has shown a 30% reduction in aeration energy usage, corresponding to 1.2 million kWh annually — enough energy to power 64 homes for one year.”

    Cuxhaven, Germany

    Read the case study

Proven solutions that can transform your utility