Let's Solve Water - A Xylem Blog

As the House of Commons returns in September following the summer recess, water has perhaps never been higher up the political agenda. With a new Labour...

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When a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) occurs, the natural reaction is to repair it as quickly as possible and stop untreated wastewater from being discharged...

The statistics are staggering. Each year in the United States alone, we experience up to 75,000 sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) that release close to a...

Don’t Fear the Fatbergs: Fight Back with the Right Pump!

How do you fight back against a fatberg? Well the first obvious step is to know your enemy. Fatberg is a term coined in the past 15 years by municipal...

In our industry, being a "control freak" can be a very good thing. When it comes to temporary dewatering and bypass projects, you want as much control over...