A single platform for wastewater network management
Without an integrated wastewater management software, many utilities struggle to see a complete picture of their operational status and network efficiency. Their operators and managers are often flooded with hundreds of separate data streams coming in from multiple sources, making it difficult to get an accurate reflection of the interconnected nature of their network, let alone make holistic improvements, react to challenges quickly, test potential scenarios, and predict problems.
Xylem Vue is a single, integrated wastewater management software that enables utilities to meet their wastewater and storm water challenges more efficiently, maximize existing investments, and provide affordable and reliable service to their communities.
At its heart is the Smart Water Engine.
The Smart Water Engine eliminates silos and unifies data no matter its source. It integrates and standardizes that data to create a single, holistic model that, when coupled with proprietary advanced algorithms, allows the Smart Water Engine to look out across the entirety of a utility’s network.
The utility then accesses this single data source through water and wastewater applications within the Xylem Vue platform to address real-world network challenges.
Ultimately, by removing the burden of managing multiple independent technologies, the Smart Water Engine, delivered through Xylem Vue, provides critical, 360-degree operational decision intelligence to anyone who needs it across the utility.
The Smart Water Engine creates a single source of standardized data to help:
- Monitor operational processes
- Run real-time what-if scenarios
- Interact with GIS framework to accurately geolocate all assets
- Establish device management and performance alerts
- Build digital twin hydraulic models
- Design operational dashboards