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Flood Preparedness & Mitigation Plan

Flood prevention

Xylem offers systems that transport and manage storm surface runoff through separate or combined collection systems. This helps prevent both inland and coastal areas from flooding and related damage. Reliability is the key to ensuring that people, homes, commercial buildings, hospitals, airports, industries, and many other facilities are protected when faced with impending floods.

Get Xylem's Guide to Complete Stormwater Management

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Installation and commissioning of water and wastewater facilities and the systems that control them require engineering expertise and specialist advice. This can be overwhelming when both the resources and capabilities to conduct these services are...
When Xylem equipment is put to skillful and safe use, you gain a higher return on investment. You bought Xylem equipment for its durability, reliability and efficiency. So make sure you get the most out of it by ensuring that your equipment...
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A premium range of products and solutions for moving and treating water and wastewater.