Water Utilities News

PFAS treatment is a growing area of concern for water utilities, businesses and communities, particularly as governments pass stricter regulations. Research...

All Posts in Disinfection & Oxidation

Water park lowers chlorine and energy use with Wedeco UV system

In public swimming pools, ensuring safe water quality and the well-being of swimmers is a top priority. At the H2O Herford water park in Germany, a Wedeco UV...

Utility eliminates bad-tasting water due to algae with advanced oxidation

A South Carolina water utility was receiving hundreds of complaints per week about bad-tasting water after algal blooms. Xylem’s advanced oxidation treatment...

Xylem installs first UV cryptosporidium barrier in Florida

A water treatment plant in Florida will soon be the first in the state to use a UV cryptosporidium barrier. Xylem will supply its advanced Wedeco LBX Series UV...

Xylem’s ozone treatment provides cleaner water in Vietnam

The Vietnamese government has ambitious goals for providing cleaner drinking water to its citizens. With Xylem’s ozone treatment technology now installed at a...

Xylem’s Wedeco brand celebrates 40th anniversary

Around the world, Wedeco UV disinfection and ozone systems are helping companies and utilities improve the quality of their effluent, save energy and reuse...