Biggest Lowara-Vogel-Pump at RhineHunsrueck Water Association


RhineHunsrueck Water Association


Application: Municipal water supply

RhineHunsrueck Water Association supplies its members reliably and economically with drinking water in sufficient quantity and good quality.

The supply area comprises 666 m², 143 communities and more than 90.000 inhabitants. Nearly 400 km transport pipes and 50 elevated tanks with a storage capacity of more than 30.000 m³ are at the disposal for the supply, and more than 500 m altitude difference have to overcome.

So, comprehensive pump technology is required for this supply task. One of the three big feed pumps has to be replaced in the Waterworks Sankt Sebastian. Decision was made in favour of Messrs. Fluidtec, Kempenich.

As decisive advantage, Mr. Kiel, Managing Director of Fluidtec, was able to offer with the Xylem Lowara-Vogel pump type 253P 4 three operating points and to realise a high efficiency. So far, this is the biggest pump Lowara Deutschland GmbH has placed into a waterwork.

During acceptance test, Mr Schuh, Managing Director of the Association, could assure himself of the high efficiency and was pleased to see that the best point of 80,3 % at a flow rate of 927 m3/h and a head of 216 m was reached. To achieve this, a power of 680 kW is required. The 800 kW motor at 6 kVA was already on hand.

Energy costs of the Association are amounting to approx. € 950.000 p.a. Therefore, when deciding on new investments, they struggle with each single efficiency percentage point, and the future development of energy costs puts further pressure. Using the 253 P 4 pump, there are considerable energy savings compared to the exchanged model, so the investment will be amortized within three years!