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ERT Meter Reading

The Easy Way to Move from ERTs to AMI: FlexNet EasyLink

Whether it’s gas, water or electricity metering, moving from ERT meter reading technology is expensive and difficult. With EasyLink, it doesn’t have to be.

The FlexNet EasyLink™ mobile communication solution is the simple, cost-effective way to transition from ERT meter reading technology to the FlexNet® Communication Network. One FlexNet EasyLink device reads both ERTs and Sensus SmartPoint® modules at the same time. Migrate at your own pace; keep existing ERTs in the field if you deploy SmartPoint modules to make the switch from AMR to AMI. It’s your choice.

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The advantages of ERT meter reading with FlexNet EasyLink doesn’t stop at deployment. SmartPoint modules use FlexNet communication technology, so they transmit at a full 2W over FCC-licensed frequencies. You’ll enjoy significantly better read rates and improved route efficiency. And SmartPoint modules transmit on demand, offering a lower noise threshold for messages―even lower than radio frequency (RF) emissions.

Installation is a snap. Place the transceiver and application (tablet or laptop) in your utility’s vehicle. Drive your routes and collect reads from your SmartPoint modules and ERTs; both wake-up and bubble-up ERT protocols are available. When the route is complete, simply upload your readings via Wi-Fi or cellular to get real-time data transfer and route updates. FlexNet EasyLink also allows you to combine application, mapping and route management as well as optional Field Force Management integration.

Solution Components

Solution Benefits

  • One device
  • Reads Sensus SmartPoint modules and ERTs (GE, L+G, Elster, Vision, Invensys, Itron, Hunt AirPoints)
  • Bubble-up and wake-up ERTs
  • Compatible with water, gas and electricity meters
  • Combines application, mapping and route management
  • Optional Field Force Management
  • Real-time data transfer and route updates