• A Step Ahead Today, Empowering Utilities Tomorrow

    Increase system reliability with data that focuses resources on the right pipes, at the right time.

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The Case for Proactive Pipeline Management

Data-driven pipeline management is a proven way to prevent failures, minimize costs, and maximize asset life.

System Risk Analysis & Planning

Inspection & Monitoring

Engineering & Advanced Analytics

Guide: Empowering Data-Driven Pipeline Management

This guide, developed in partnership with AWWA, explores how utilities can adopt data-driven pipeline management strategies and features real-world utility success stories. Learn more about inspecting and monitoring pipelines and leveraging data to prioritize and address risk. 

Download the Guide

On Demand Webinar: Big Pipe, Big Data, Big Impact

See why PipeDiver Ultra XL makes it easier than ever to identify integrity issues on your critical metallic water pipelines. Our expert speakers unveil the tool’s enhanced detection capabilities and discuss ways inspection data supports proactive pipeline management. 

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On Demand Webinar: Beyond Wire Breaks

This panel webinar brings together utility leaders from across North America to discuss how they successfully implemented a pipeline monitoring program. Learn more about SoundPrint® AFO and how this technology could improve reliability in your water network.

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About Us

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Xylem’s Pure Technologies brand partners with utilities to optimize system control and support proactive pipeline management. We deliver proven condition assessment technology, world-class engineering expertise, and advanced analytics to optimize network reliability, minimize capital costs, and maximize the life of pipelines and valves.

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