Pump Testing

Our pumps undergo a battery of quality assurance tests during the course of manufacturing. Pump acceptance tests are performed on a finished product to verify the initial performance as well as check for repeatability of production units, performance with special materials, etc. A typical performance test consists of measurement of flow, head, and input power to the motor. Our submersible pumps are tested as a complete unit before shipping to an end user or a warehouse. Flygt custom pumps can be tested with a calibrated test motor or a job motor to meet your needs. Additional measurements such as vibration and noise can be included as per specifications.

Customer acceptance performance tests, which can  be witnessed or certified, are used to demonstrate compliance with contract specifications as well as to make sure that electric drives and other auxiliary systems are operating satisfactorily and fit properly prior to leaving the factory.

Non-witness tests

Non-witness tests are performed without the presence of a buyer representative. Typically a factory engineer certifies the data and curve. Non-witness tests bring the advantage of test cost savings and accelerated pump delivery to the pump user. In many cases, if the buyer is familiar with the performance of the pump (identical pump model order) non-witness tests are preferred.

Witness tests

The witnessing of pump tests by a representative of the pump buyer can serve many functions. A test can be witnessed in various ways. In a typical witness test, a representative of the buyer physically attends the testing. The representative signs off the test data to certify that the test is performed satisfactorily. Final acceptance of the pump can often be determined by the witness while on site. The advantage of witness testing depends largely on the effectiveness and expertise of the witness. A witness can not only ensure the test is conducted properly, but also observe operation of the pump during testing prior to pump shipment to the job site. A disadvantage to witness testing can be the negative impact it has on factory test schedule and test costs. With today’s just-in-time manufacturing methods, witness testing can become costly if the arrangements of the witness cause unexpected delays.