• Xylem Ignite Innovation Incubator

    Join the new Xylem Ignite Innovation Incubator program to share your ideas and projects to solve the world’s most pressing water challenges!

Innovation Incubator Program

Innovation incubator program is launched with the aim to help high school and university students solve world water issues with the help of mentorship from Xylem colleagues. This program helps them take their ideas or projects further with the mentorship in any area of expertise (Finance, Technology, Business Development).

Who should apply?

Passionate students are empowered through the Xylem Ignite Incubator program to drive real changes in the water industry. The Innovation Incubator is open to students between 13 and 25 years of age, who are enrolled in a high school or university undergraduate program (or a global equivalent) and have a water innovation in development with existing plans or intentions to take it to next stage.


Areas of Mentorship

  • Business Development & Sales pitch
  • Product Development
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Digitalization
  • Supply Chain
  • Manufacturing

What is the selection process for this program?

Students interested in participating will complete an application. This will be reviewed by the Innovation Incubator core team, and successful applicants will be called in for an interview.


Why you should apply

Students participating in the incubator program get:

  •  Mentorship from Xylem colleagues
  • Subject-matter expertise (Technology, Product Design & Development process, Business Plan, Presentation pitches, IP advice)
  • Access to customer and partners
  • Equipment
  • Marketing Assistance
  • Workspace (workshop, lab, offices)
  • Training Programs
  • Networking with peer teams in cohort

What to expect during the program

The team will be paired with a subject matter expert and a project leader who will guide the project and evaluate the project periodically, They will  present to the core team quarterly and provide updates on their progress.

The length of each incubator cohort is 6 months long with a graduation at the end of the cohort. Best project from each cohort gets a chance to pitch their idea on Demo Day of professional incubator program.

Current Projects

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