SonTek® Webinars and On-Demand Learning

Daniel Wagenaar from Xylem Australia introduces the RS5, the smallest and lightest complete ADCP solution for moving boat discharge measurement available. We review the hardware and its profiling techniques, as well as the software to accompany it.

Daniel Wagenaar from Xylem Australia review velocity distribution in different bodies of water, and how to use the RiverSurveyor to measure and screen velocity profiles.

Boris Shulze from HYPACK EMEA and Phillip Thomas from SEA AND LAND TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD share tips and tricks in making the most of your SonTek M9 Bathymetric Surveys.

This one-hour online webinar will look at examples of discharge data collected by SonTek ADCPs in extreme conditions worldwide, and review unique applications and discharge data from sites experiencing record-breaking floods to a desert wash amid an extreme drought.

Water monitoring programs often focus on either water quality OR flow, but not both. However, collecting both types of data is crucial to understanding what environmental and man-made influences are impacting a body of water.

Rebroadcast of Dr. Xue Fan showing you how to use the SonTek CastAway-CTD, a popular handheld CTD, and how it might be used in conjunction with ADCPs for data correction.