There is a common misconception that advanced pumping and treatment solutions will cost customers more. What Xylem’s customers are finding, however, is that sustainable technology actually lowers their overall costs. Read on to learn how Xylem’s customers are benefitting from innovative solutions for pumping, mixing, aeration, water reuse and energy audits.

Pumping: cutting energy costs by up to 60 percent

Minimizing costs is often a major challenge for wastewater plants and pumping stations. To help solve this challenge, Xylem developed the revolutionary Flygt Experior. Its clog-free design reduces unplanned maintenance and call-outs, and its SmartRun technology ensures that the pump only runs as much or as little as needed. All of this means significant savings in energy and maintenance costs.

At Heathrow Airport’s cargo center, Flygt Experior reduced the energy consumption of a pumping station by 50 percent over a five-year period. A water treatment plant outside Cagliari, Italy, implemented a Flygt Experior solution that lowered energy consumption by 35 percent, and at another Italian wastewater plant by 27 percent.

Wastewater pumping stations in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, have shown some of the most impressive results using Flygt Experior. In the two years since installing Flygt Experior, the pumps have saved at least $20,000 in maintenance costs and reduced energy use by 60 percent. In 2016, Flygt SmartRun’s cleaning function even won the 2016 RIONED Innovation Award.

Mixing: Lowering energy costs by up to 50 percent

Pumping is not the only area where plant operators can lower energy use with innovative technology. Xylem has recently launched a new Flygt mixer with built-in speed regulation that can reduce energy costs by up to 50 percent. The Flygt 4320 mixer comes with an integrated variable frequency drive (VFD) that makes it possible to minimize lifecycle costs and energy costs.

Aeration: Lowing a plant’s energy consumption by 22 percent

Aeration systems account for between 25 and 60 percent of the energy costs of a typical wastewater treatment plant. Two tests in Sweden and the Netherlands have shown that Xylem’s technologies can reduce a plant’s energy consumption by up to 22 percent.

At the wastewater treatment plant in Liberty, New York, a new Sanitaire Silver Series aeration system and Flygt mixer from Xylem have reduced energy consumption by 43 percent. This has led to annual savings of more than $36,000 while providing more stable treatment.

Water reuse: innovative solutions to solve water scarcity

Xylem’s water reuse solutions are helping many regions and countries prepare for a more secure future. In Silicon Valley in Northern California, Xylem’s Wedeco UV systems help recycle eight million gallons of water per day. A water reclamation plant in Los Angeles will use a Wedeco solution to provide 12 million gallons of highly purified water per day, thus reducing dependency on imported potable water supplies.

In Kuwait, Xylem has recently won a contract to help expand one of the largest water reclamation facilities in the world. In a new solution for Singapore, Xylem’s Wedeco UV disinfection solution will help provide an additional 50 million gallons of reclaimed water per day.

Energy audits: discovering where you can save energy

In addition to supplying state-of-the-art technology, Xylem can also conduct energy audits for customers to find out where efficiency can be increased. At a pumping station in Scotland, a Xylem TotalCare energy audit helped a pumping station cut operational costs by 82 percent.