Flygt Concertor® has an integrated electronic clog detection and pump cleaning function that detects and resolves clogging from all normal wastewater material.
Our patented Adaptive N® technology allows large solids to pass through, while specialized software will sense a clog and adjust pump speed or direction as needed to dislodge it. This ensures clog-free performance and sustained high energy efficiency – and eliminates the need for costly emergency call-outs to restore operation.
Recommended Concertor systems

Concertor® XPC is an energy-efficient station manager that responds to your station’s needs with an integrated control system and highly reliable pumps.

Concertor® DP is a reliable, energy-efficient pumping solution featuring pump self-cleaning and gateway connection to your plant’s existing control system.

Concertor® N is a highly reliable, flexible and energy-efficient pump for on/off operation in a pump station.