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  • Xylem and global coronavirus (COVID-19) actions

    Learn More

  • Xylem Watermark Responds to COVID-19

    Xylem Watermark is supporting communities around the world that are affected by COVID-19

    Learn More

  • Going beyond business as usual, together.

    Xylem supports the heroic efforts of all utilities sustaining the health and well-being of their communities during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Ready to Help

  • Al Cho & George Hawkins Discuss:

    Continuity Through the Coronavirus and Beyond

    A white paper exploring strategies and solutions to help utilities achieve greater visibility, continuity and resilience during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Read Now

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis

In the face of COVID-19, Xylem is focused on ensuring the safety of our colleagues, supporting our customers who keep water and other essential services flowing, and providing humanitarian assistance for communities in need.

Let’s stay connected during the crisis

In these rapidly changing times, we are working to share insights, resources and best practices across our communities that can be quickly implemented to keep your teams safe, maintain continuity of operations and provide the support you need. Connect with us today so we can help everyone be better informed.