Anaerobic digestion system sized to work at medium volumetric load conditions.
Anaerobic digestion system sized to work at medium volumetric load conditions.
The ADI® hybrid reactor combines two processes and retains the benefits of each technology: upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) and upflow fixed-film (UFF). The lower part of the reactor acts as a UASB, where a bed of anaerobic biomass digests the degradable wastewater organics. The upper portion of the reactor contains a cross-flow type media that provides an extensive surface area for the fixed-film bios to grow. The media also intercepts sludge bed and raw influent solids and returns the solids to the sludge bed via lamella-plate type clarification.
In cases requiring very high removals, a two-stage reactor can be installed to achieve a higher quality effluent. This two-stage system consists of two equal-sized reactors that operate in series and periodically alternate lead and lag designations. This cyclic operation is effective at treating wastewater streams with high concentrations of soluble organics and low concentrations of solids.