Avista AntiChlor® formulations remove free and combined chlorine from RO system feedwaters to protect membranes from oxidation damage. Membranes can last for days or years depending on the care they receive. Chlorine in feedwater can permanently damage membranes, requiring them to be replaced. AntiChlor liquid is an extremely economical option for chlorine removal compared to other methods. It’s offered in two formulations, and both are certified for use in systems producing potable water.
AntiChlor 30 is a liquid dechlorinating agent used as a mild, non-oxidizing biostat or injected into RO feedwaters to protect polyamide membranes from permanent damage caused by chlorine.
AntiChlor 427 is a modified, liquid sodium bisulfite formulation used to remove free and combined chlorine from RO feedwaters. This unique chemical is odorless and stabilized to prevent off-gassing, making it ideal for indoor installations.