The RB Carbon Adsorbers are well suited for the removal of VOC's from high flow air streams and other emission control applications.
Designed for the removal of VOC's from high flow air streams and other emissions control applications.
RB Series Carbon Adsorbers are designed for a wide variety of gas-phase applications including industrial plant emissions, soil vapor extraction remediation off-gases, waste processing emissions and VOC removal from air strippers.
The RB Carbon Adsorbers Series is available in four different models: the RB5 (5,000 pounds of activated carbon, treating up to 5,000 cfm), the RB10 (10,000 pounds of activated carbon, treating up to 9,000 cfm), the RB20 (20,000 pounds of activated carbon, treating up to 12,000 cfm) and RB12HV (12,000 pounds of activated carbon, treating up to 18,000 cfm). RB Series adsorbers are transported loaded with activated carbon, thereby eliminating the need for on-site carbon handling.
Designed to accompany the RB20 Series roll-off carbon adsorber, the new RB20 blower package is a skid mounted unit with integrated fan, motor, prefilter, control panel and outlet damper. The blower package is designed to deliver a maximum rated flow for collection and treatment of VOC-contaminated air from a variety of sources, including industrial plant emissions, soil vapor extraction (SVE) remediation system off-gases, waste processing emissions (i.e. tank cleaning) and air stripper off-gases.