Full and half bridge scrapers for primary water and wastewater treament
Evoqua offers two basic conventional scraper designs - full bridge and half bridge. Both designs incorporate a minimum of two sludge scraper arms per mechanism. The sludge removal mechanisms are designed for continuous operation over the life of the clarifier.
The Envirex® F Type conventional scraper is a full bridge design consisting of a structural steel bridge that spans the tank’s diameter and supports the drive mechanism. A center torque tube, bolted to the drive, rotates the sludge collector mechanism. The full bridge design is recommended for clarifiers between 10 and 50 feet in diameter.
The Envirex® H Type conventional scraper is a half bridge design consisting of pier supported sludge collector. An access bridge spans from the tank wall to the center pier. The half bridge design is recommended for clarifiers greater than 40 feet in diameter.