The AquaSaver™ Dual Direction pH Control Skid is a totally integrated, skid-mounted treatment station.
The Evoqua Water Technologies AquaSaver™ Dual Direction
pH Control Skid is a totally integrated, skid-mounted treatment
system for wastewater accumulation, pH adjustment and transfer.
The pH Control Skid features a reaction tank, liquid level controls,
water inlet solenoid valve, centrifugal transfer pump, flow meter
with control valve, dual chemical metering pumps and electric
tank mixer. The packaged skid provides economical treatment of
contaminated process wastewater when used in conjunction with
an Evoqua Water Technologies wastewater ion-exchange system.
The AquaSaver pH Control Skid incorporates multiple tank level
controls for centrifugal pump operation and make-up water
addition ensuring that only wastewater of the proper pH is
discharged to waste or downstream to an ion-exchange system.
The Dual-Input pH Analyzer provides monitoring and control for
precise pH adjustment, utilizing the latest electronic and sensor
technology. The 150-gallon reaction tank is equipped with an
electric mixer yielding required retention time for accurate pH
The system control panel offers a main On/Off switch, power-on
indicating light, and an emergency-stop lighted pushbutton for
safety. Respective red status lights indicate when the centrifugal
pump, inlet solenoid valve, chemical metering pumps and mixer
are on. Individual Hand/Off/Auto switches permit selection of
the operational mode for the centrifugal pump and inlet solenoid
valve, via level controls, and the chemical pumps and mixer via the
pH controller and dual loop process controller. Amber indicating
lights are also present for low-level and high-level tank alarms.
The AquaSaver pH Control Skid is easy to install, start up and
operate and the compact design requires minimal floor space.
The AquaSaver pH Control Skid has a 15gpm capacity and is also
available in 30gpm and 60gpm capacities.