Envirex® clarifier drives are designed for long life and low maintenance with rugged cast iron construction, high torque capacity, and a split main gear for servicing. Keep your clairifer drive operating at peak performance.
Evoqua's Envirex® clarifier drives can be rebuilt in the field or at our factory to help extend life. We can provide complimentary qualified inspections for Envirex® branded clarification systems to assess the condition and operational performance of your equipment. Once qualified for an inspection, you must be willing to drain and clean your tank. Upon completion of the inspection, a detailed report will be provided including complete documentation of the inspection and recommendations for rehabilitation (parts & service), upgrades or replacement options.
We service our own Envirex® clarifier drives and can replace other manufacturer’s units. Rebuild services can be performed at the factory or on-site to reduce downtime.
For customers with other manufacturer’s drives, we can upgrade your unit by replacing it with the proven Envirex® clarifier drive technology. Evoqua provides onsite field support to implement the recommended improvement, using our installation team or yours.