At Xylem, We Have the “Right Stuff”

At Xylem, We Have the “Right Stuff”

We've all been there. Taking on a simple little task – like changing a tire or hanging a picture –that quickly becomes a much bigger and harder job because we didn't have the right tool at the right time.

When the stakes are low, it's a minor hassle. But when the stakes are higher – like not having the right rental pump for a dewatering issue – it's a major headache. Or worse.

Xylem Rental Solutions is dedicated to keeping your projects from turning into problems. One important way we do that is by always having the right pump available for rent.

Every single pump in the Godwin and Flygt product lines are available in our rental fleet. So whether you work in construction, mining, industry or the municipal wastewater market, we can almost guarantee that we have the right rental pump and accessories for your industry or application needs.

Our rental pumps can handle a small stream diversion job all the way up to a large 100 MGD sewer bypass project. We have everything you need including pumps from 2-inch to 24-inch, low head to high head, diesel to electric, or submersible to surface-mounted. Whether you're pumping clean water, sewage, sludge, slurry or liquid with extreme pH levels, we have the pump that matches your requirements with reliability and performance that's second to none.

We are the industry-leading rental pump provider. But it's more than just product inventory and design that got us here. When you come to Xylem Rental Solutions for the right rental pump, you also get to tap into a portfolio of services like job set up, HDPE pipe fusion, servicing and maintenance, and monitoring and control equipment that perform pump watch duties. What you don't get is a national general rental company sending you to the internet to figure out – on your own – the correct pump and sizing, or a local rental company that doesn't have the expertise or pumps needed to handle big jobs.

When a construction company came to us to help build a temporary bypass system for two wastewater treatment plants undergoing upgrades in New York State we were up for the challenge. The project required rental pumps that could transfer 88 million gallons of wastewater per day, and the customer estimated it would take 12 pumps to get the job done. Our Xylem engineers came back with an "out of the box" solution that included just three of our Godwin CD400M 16-inch Dri-Prime pumps and five of our Godwin Heidra 750AX axial flow dewatering pumps.

While these pumps are normally used for freshwater or flood control projects, our experts were very familiar with the equipment and confident fewer pumps could handle this job. They were right. Even with 33% fewer rental pumps and half the projected footprint, the system handled everything that came its way – including heavy effluent flow caused by several large rainstorms – with zero failures during the three-month renovation. Our construction customer looked like a hero, while realizing huge reductions in fuel consumption and rental costs.

This happens on a daily basis at Xylem. The details change, but the main storyline stays the same: A customer faces a tough issue that we help solve with the right rental pumps for the job.

Getting the right rental pump for your project starts with finding the right pump provider. At Xylem, we're right here for you, ready to solve your next pumping challenge. 

by Michael J. Delzingaro