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SonTek Videos

Day in the Life of a Hydrographer, with Kevin Labbe

Take a look at a day in the life of Application Engineer, Kevin Labbe as he helps researchers from the University of Georgia learn how to best use the SonTek RS5 ADCP, YSI's EXO2, and other instrumentation in the estuaries of Little St. Simons, Georgia.

Expedition Glacialis CastAway-CTD

Expedition Glacialis is a global, scientific venture to monitor marine wildlife in some of the most remote places in the world.

Compass Calibration Tips

U.S. Midwest Sales team member, Mark Lynch, gives you a quick tip on what to look for to help you pass that initial QC test (hint – it’s not your Compass Calibration dance moves!)

Top Reasons You Need the RS5

You might ask yourself, why would I use the RS5 ADCP when I already have another system like a RiverSurveyor-M9, or maybe even a FlowTracker. Well in this video, we're going to give you 5-and-a-half reasons why you would want to go with the RS5 over other flow sensors.

What We Love About the CastAway-CTD

What isn't there to love about the CastAway-CTD? Xylem employees from around the world talk about some of their favorite features of SonTek's powerful, pint-size CTD!

Why Collect Water Quality Data When All You Need Is Flow (or Vice Versa!)

Learn how Grace College's Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams combines water quality and flow data to better understand the economic and environmental impact on freshwater lakes of Kosciusko County, Indiana, to include harmful algal blooms, zebra mussel incursions, starry stonewort, and more.

RS5 Video Quick Start Guide

Learn what you can expect to receive when you order your new RS5 ADCP, and learn how to set-up your system during this easy step-by-step guide.

RSQ: Visualize Discharge Data Like Never Before!

In this video, Dr. Xue Fan gives you a basic RSQ software overview and shows you where to find additional features customers have requested over the years when using the RiverSurveyor suite of instrumentation.

RS5: Big Data From the World's Smallest ADCP!

Learn more about SonTek's new RS5 ADCP - the handy grab-and-go solution for water monitoring professionals who are looking for quality, high-resolution discharge and flow data, with the convenience of a small, rugged and easy to deploy package.

Demo of SonTek's New RS5 Grab-and-Go ADCP!

Introducing the RS5, the latest addition to the award-winning RiverSurveyor® family of discharge instruments. Good things really do come in small packages!

RS5 in Action!

No need for hype is what the hype is about! Simply the best data from the world's smallest ADCP.

Continuous Wave Vs Pulsed Dopplers

Pulsed Doppler and Continuous Wave (CW) flow meters, otherwise known as “ultrasonic” or A-V meters, are well-known flow measurement systems in the water and wastewater industries. Both kinds of systems are Dopplers, yet they differ in some important ways, both technologically and operationally.

rQPOD Propeller Repair

Application Specialist Nick Martin walks you through rQPOD propeller repair when damaged during general use.

SonTek ADCP Boat and Platform Options

SonTek Hydrology Manager for Europe, Lee Pimble, reviews some of the options to consider - from basic boards, to the handy remote control and autonomous versions.

ADCP Best Practices: Site Selection

Join Hydrology Manager for Europe, Lee Pimble, as he provides a list of some of things you want to look for before you deploy a multi-beam acoustic Doppler current measurement system.

Instrument Readiness: Side-Looker Installation

Just how deep should you deploy your SonTek-SL500, SL1500 or SL3000 system? Dr. Xue Fan provides instruction and advice on what to look for during set-up.

Instrument Readiness: Battery Options

Are your RiverSurveyor-M9 or CastAway-CTD batteries draining too quickly? Dr. Xue fan talks about several of the options out there, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

When to Perform an ADCP Compass Calibration

When do you need to perform a compass calibration on your RiverSurveyor-S5 or M9 ADCP? Learn more in this short video with Dr. Xue Fan.

Tackling Spotty Radio Connections

Dr. Xue Fan talks about three things you want to look for if your laptop in not connecting properly to your RiverSurveyor system.

Proper Pipe and Canal Geometry Setup

Product Manager Janice Yasui speaks to why you want to take those extra steps in accurately defining your site geometry in advance of data collection.

Instrument Readiness: Connector Pin Lubricants

Product Manager Janice Yasui provides recommendations on the best lubricants to use with your wet-mateable connectors.

Instrument Readiness: Pressure Sensor Care

Product Manager Janice Yasui talks about the importance of keeping your instrument's pressure sensor free of muck and debris in order to keep your data as accurate and precise as possible.

Using Argonaut Cables for the New SL and IQ Series

In this short video, Product Manager Janice Yasui talks about Argonaut cables that can also be adapted and used for the newer SonTek-SL and SonTek-IQ models.

Data Quality: Reading Beam Velocities

When looking at 2-dimensional Doppler velocity data, do you know how to use beam velocities as a diagnostic tool? SonTek Product Manager Janice Yasui will tell you what to look out for before you start the data collection process.

Principles of Extrapolation and Screening of Velocity Profiles

Extrapolation and screening of velocity profile measurements from ADCP instruments are essential aspects of the measurement process. Understand the fundamental principles of velocity profiles within a channel and why the extrapolation process can have a major impact on final discharge calculations.

Quantifying Flooding Events With Acoustic Data Scientific Response in a Changing Climate

As we trend toward extreme weather events, water resource professionals are being called on to help inform public, private, governmental, and industrial sectors. Learn how to use acoustic data, data analysis techniques and visualization to manage and model flooding events and their impacts.

Hydrosurveyor Training - Australia

Hydrographers from Australia and New Zealand participate in a training to learn more about how to use HYPACK for hydrographic surveying in tandem with SonTek's HydroSurveyor and RiverSurveyor-M9.

What is it Like to Be a Product Manager in BlueTech?

In this video produced by The Maritime Alliance, Xylem Product Manager Janice Yasui describes working at SonTek and what inspired her towards a career-path in BlueTech.

Getting Started With the HydroSurveyor-M9 and Hypack

SonTek Senior Hydrologist Daniel Wagenaar walks you through the process of setting up a new project using the SonTek HydroSurveyor-M9 and HYPACK hydrographic surveying software. This 10-chapter series will help familiarize you with the HYPACK interface and pre/post processing configurations.

The New FlowTracker2 Lab ADV® with SonTek Engineer Adam Jackson

For the first time, the ADV’s acoustic probe and processing electronics are housed in one small, lightweight, easily-maneuverable unit, and the acoustic head has an optional, integrated pressure (depth) sensor.

Upgrade Your Irrigation Flow Monitoring Technology

Outfit your canal with water flow monitoring instrumentation and avoid data inaccuracies, lost water, over/under irrigation or compromised crop yield.

SonTek's Dylan Bedortha reviews options for replacing outdated equipment and re-vamping your current irrigation data collection process.

Energize Your Science Class With the CastAway-CTD Lesson Plan!

Small and easy-to-use, the CastAway-CTD is a favorite of researchers, oceanographers, and scientists who need quick, reliable salinity and temperature data. Today, educators have even more resources with the NEW lesson plan focusing on salinity measurements, available with all CastAway-CTDs!

FlowTracker2 Training With Janice Landsfeld

SonTek Product Manager Janice Landsfeld shows the basics of the measurement process: how to set up the FlowTracker2 handheld ADV, how to conduct a measurement, and how to understand the data and quality control parameters you can view right on the instrument's color screen.

Time to Upgrade Your Stream Gauge Station? Your Best Bet for Water Flow and Quality Data Collection!

Is it time to upgrade that outdated gauging station? There are a number of options for the collection of long-term monitoring data, maintenance requirements and budget – all important considerations to help water monitoring agencies understand historical trends and make science-backed decisions.

How Do I Measure the Flow of a Stream? SonTek ADCP and ADV Options

In this short overview, SonTek Product Manager Janice Landsfeld addresses some of the instruments to consider for collecting open channel flow/discharge data in a small-to-medium size river based on your site configuration and monitoring requirements.

From Coastal Shorelines to the Deep Blue: Collecting Oceanographic Water Level and Current Data in Times of Change

Technology development experts share updates on the instruments used to measure water level, tides and waves by agencies such as NOAA, USGS, and UK’s Environment Agency, who use this information to provide the ocean monitoring/research community data for long-term planning and emergency response.

RiverSurveyor Vs HydroSurveyor: What's the Difference?

Join Product Manager Isaac Jones in this short video as he summarizes the main differences between the SonTek RiverSurveyor-M9 and HydroSurveyor-M9, such as which is the best for your application or which to use to measure river velocity and discharge or map bathymetry.

The Pressure is on! The FlowTracker2 Now Comes With Built-in Pressure Sensor Option!

With advances in technology contributed by world-renowned hydrologists, researchers and scientists, SonTek is pleased to unveil the new FlowTracker2 now with optional pressure sensor feature! See how the FT2 with pressure sensor can optimize your data collection efforts!

2018 Wilmington North Carolina Oceans & Coastal Workshop

SonTek and other Xylem Analytics brands often host training events for water monitoring professionals. Our Application Engineers share their knowledge to help hydrologists, hydrographers, oceanographers, research scientists and all those collecting water data to make smarter, defensible conclusions.

RiverSurveyor 4.0: Collecting Acoustic Stationary and Moving Boat Discharge Data

You might have heard about the upgrades to the powerful, multi-frequency RiverSurveyor-M9, but we didn’t want you to take our word for it. See some examples of how RiverSurveyor 4.0 has dramatically simplified the data collection process for hydrologists and water monitoring specialists like you!

Aquaculture, Reef Studies, Sediment Transport and More - Choose the Right ADV and Use It Like a Pro!

The first Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was introduced to the scientific world by SonTek in 1993. It was used primarily in lab environments for controlled studies requiring highly precise single point water velocity data.

Introduction to GPS Positioning for RiverSurveyor Stationary Live Measurements

The RiverSurveyor-M9 can be used for both the Moving Boat or Stationary discharge measurements. The stationary measurement method applies the velocity area method using either the Mid-Section or Mean-Section methods for discharge calculations.

A Week in the Life of SonTek Application Engineer Xue Fan

It’s an exciting job when you get to work with some the most sophisticated environmental water monitoring instrumentation in the world, and help researchers, scientists, engineers, oceanographers and hydrographers collect crucial data to assist in making smart water management decisions.

RiverSurveyor-M9 on the Ebro River – Zaragoza, Spain

This drone video features one of two transects undertaken by the RiverSurveyor-M9. The demonstration was part of a SonTek workshop. Attendees included SAIH Guadiana, SAIH Jucar, SAIH Ebro, and the Navarra Region Government.

SonTek HydroSurveyor M9 at Dawes Glacier in Alaska

Video courtesy of filmmaker, Sean Casey, who has featured SonTek's HydroSurveyor M9 and CastAway-CTD as part of an IMAX movie series featuring extreme weather/environmental impact events. The video features Sea Floor Systems Hydrone (remote operated boat).

SonTek Hits the Road to Carson City, Nevada!

Ever think about attending a SonTek roadshow, but didn't know what you might be in for? Here's a snippet from last month's workshop in Carson City, Nevada. Sign-up for our newsletter on to find out when our next event will be held near you!

Jag Ski Creates Versatile Platform for Bay Study (SonTek HydroSurveyor)

Join Dr. Webb and SonTek Applications Engineer Isaac Jones for a one-hour online presentation about various case studies where the Jag Ski has been instrumental in collecting data for routine monitoring of beaches, scientific studies of coastal lagoons, and engineering assessments of tidal flow.

FlowTracker2: How to Make the Highest-Quality Measurements Using a Wading Device

If you’re a hydrologist, scientist or water monitoring professional, you might already be collecting data using the SonTek FlowTracker or similar wading device. But nothing beats the quality assurance, data accessibility and overall performance of the new FlowTracker2 handheld ADV.

WEBINAR: 5 Tech-Savvy Ways to Measure Flow in Places You Never Thought Possible!

While each application is unique, there are challenges for every scientist, engineer and water monitoring specialist trying to collect data in hard-to-reach areas. In this webinar, learn five tips that can simplify your data collection process or alleviate some of your biggest headaches altogether!

The Fundamentals of Velocity Indexing Technique

Are you a bit confused about Velocity Indexing? You're not alone – and SonTek is here to help! Senior Hydrologist Daniel Wagenaar and Product Manager/Technical Specialist Janice Landsfeld give an overview of the velocity index technique and its use with acoustic Doppler instrumentation.

Shallow Water - Deep Data: Learn More About the Remarkable RiverSurveyor S5

The rugged five-beam RiverSurveyor S5 has been overshadowed by its "big-brother", the RiverSurveyor M9, so we thought it was about time to provide a focused opportunity for water monitoring specialists to learn more about the most powerful shallow water discharge measurement platform on the market!

The Do's Dont's and Must Haves: Stormwater Monitoring Basics

Stormwater monitoring doesn’t have to be overwhelming for your organization. Our team of application specialists and engineers are dedicated to helping your organization avoid a costly learning curve which could result in a loss of time, money and valuable data.

Discharge, Mapping, Modeling and Beyond: The Hunt for Submerged Springs

After discovering that it was possible to upgrade their M9 to a HydroSurveyor, the Hydrologists and water monitoring specialists at the St. Johns River Water Management District now had a new tool for bathymetric and velocity field mapping.

Taking the Mystery Out of Measuring Waves, Tides and Currents

This Power Point (Webinar) presentation that hopes to simplify some of the challenges behind collecting wave, tide and current data. Deployment and system options are discussed, as well as popular research methods that are enhanced with the precision that acoustic Doppler technology provides.

Collecting Flow Data Using the SonTek IQ Standard, Plus or Pipe!

Join SonTek Product Manager Janice Landsfeld and Ron Nauman, President and Senior Enineer at HydroScientific West, as they talk about the SonTek-IQ series, including the SonTek-IQ Pipe. See application examples and data and compare/contrast models to see what will work best for you.

Profiling and Analysis with the CastAway-CTD

The CastAway-CTD is a small, rugged, and technically advanced; designed for profiling to depths of up to 100m. It incorporates modern technical features which allow it to achieve a 5 Hz response time, fine spatial resolution and high accuracy. 

The Basics of Stationary Measurement

This Power Point (webinar) presentation provides viewers an introduction to discharge measurements, stationary ADP methodology, measurement procedure and a review of sample data collected in the field. (Legacy RiverSurveyor/RiverCat systems).
