Industries & Applications
Our extensive industrial and application expertise, combined with our broad offering of state-of-the-art products, enable us to deliver superior, customized solutions for a wide variety of industries and applications.

As a member of an industry that uses 70% of the world’s water resources, you understand that quality, delivery and management of water are critical to your success. Your bottom line depends on it and so do the health and well-being of people around the world.
That’s why agriculturalists and producers rely on Xylem’s total solutions to supply water, treat wastewater and analyze, even under the most challenging conditions.

Food & Beverage
With global population continuing to grow, feeding the world sustainably is a worldwide challenge. Water is at the center of this concern, as food production is the largest single consumer of water. Reducing the water footprint of food production is a central goal of the food and beverage industry. Xylem can assist in optimizing and managing every stage of a production facility’s water cycle. Customers utilize the complete water cycle solutions, such as energy efficient Flygt pumps to transport water throughout the facility, along with industry-leading Leopold filtration technologies, Sanitaire biological treatment and Wedeco disinfection and oxidation systems.

From feedwater, through internal treatment to generate pharmaceutical grade water, to final discharge, water is critical to pharmaceutical manufacturing. Treatments must meet the standards of the relevant pharmacopeias for the intended use of the water, with different pharmaceutical grades requiring different treatments from purified water (PW) to highly purified water (HPW) to the highest purity of water for injection (WFI). With Xylem treatment processes, safe, sustainable water practices can be achieved throughout the manufacture and through final discharge.

Mining operations demand a lot from their water processing systems. Whether water or slurry transport, treatment for potable and process use, or treatment of domestic and process wastewater, systems must be robust, reliable and easy to operate. As a global leader in water and wastewater systems, Xylem provides a complete line of transport, treatment, and instrumentation equipment and services to simplify water management. Rental options are available for most equipment and processes. Xylem engineers and Total Care specialists can provide expert support and aftermarket services

Municipal Wastewater
Harnessing the power that nature uses to cleanse the rivers and streams – air, microbes, gravity, light – the wastewater industry has revolutionized sanitation and brought health to their communities, rivers, streams, lakes and oceans. Through Xylem’s broad portfolio and expertise, customer needs are evaluated and the right solution provided with low life cycle costs. When the water leaves the plant, it is no longer wastewater, but a highly valuable resource.

Municipal Potable Water
Water utilities have to do more with less, and it’s not easy. They must conserve energy, make the most of every drop of water, use staff most efficiently to hold down costs, while meeting stricter requirements and improving quality. Xylem develops innovations to make processes and equipment more energy efficient, more reliable, more water efficient, and easier to operate.