Water Utility Management Software
The future of smart water management
Optimizing your drinking water network can be difficult without an understanding of the bigger picture. Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua is a single platform to capture all of your data and optimize management of your drinking water supply plants and networks.
From minimizing non-revenue water to optimizing operational efficiency in treatment plants and across the network, the Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua platform provides a variety of modular applications to help utilities with intelligence and smart analytics at the network, plant, and asset level or any customized view your utility may require.
Optimize your water cycle with these modular water management applications
Unified Network Management
System-wide, real-time remote monitoring and suggested actions for drinking water networks which simplify decision-making, optimize operations, and improve operating results.
Unified Plant Management
System-wide, real-time remote monitoring and suggested actions for water treatment plants which simplify decision-making, optimize operations, and improve results of all monitored plants.
Real-Time What-If Scenarios
Utilize a digital twin for real-time simulation, smart operations, and improved operational decision-making to predict operating needs.
Leak Detection
Water efficiency management is enhanced by detecting, categorizing, and preventing real or apparent losses thanks to the visualization of key indicators in real-time and alarm notifications.
Meter Data Analytics
Optimize the full potential of utility AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) investments to maximize revenue, improve the customer experience, proactively manage assets, and reduce non-revenue water.
A single platform for water network management
Without an integrated water utility management software, there is a struggle to see a complete picture of the operational status and network efficiency. Utility operators and managers are often flooded with hundreds of separate data streams coming in from multiple sources, making it difficult to get an accurate reflection of the interconnected nature of their network, let alone make holistic improvements, react to challenges quickly, test potential scenarios, and predict problems.
Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua is a single, integrated water utility management software that enables utilities to maximize existing investments, operate more efficiently, and provide affordable and reliable service to their communities.
At its heart is the Smart Water Engine.
The Smart Water Engine eliminates silos and unifies data no matter its source. It integrates and standardizes that data to create a single, holistic model that, when coupled with proprietary advanced algorithms, allows the Smart Water Engine to look out across the entirety of a utility’s network.
The utility then accesses this single data source through water and wastewater applications within the Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua platform to address real-world network challenges.
Ultimately, by removing the burden of managing multiple independent technologies, the Smart Water Engine, delivered through Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua, provides critical, 360-degree operational decision intelligence to anyone who needs it across the utility.
The Smart Water Engine creates a single source of standardized data to help:
- Monitor operational processes
- Run real-time what-if scenarios
- Interact with GIS framework to accurately geolocate all assets
- Establish device management and performance alerts
- Build digital twin hydraulic models
- Design operational dashboards

Global Omnium: Transforming from Conventional to Smart Water
Global Omnium, one of Spain's largest water utilities, has gone through a remarkable digital transformation over the past two decades - upgrading from conventional meters to an advanced smart meter network of over 550,000 fixed network smart meters. This journey provides valuable lessons for any water utility looking to modernize its operations and capitalize on the latest innovations in smart metering and data analytics.

Hot Springs: Increasing system visibility and reducing non-revenue water
The city of Hot Springs aimed to boost operational efficiency across its extensive water network spanning 923 miles of water mains, 14 district metered areas (DMAs), 43,000 AMI meters, 11 storage tanks, and two treatment facilities. A major challenge was increasing visibility to identify and reduce non-revenue water losses.
Let’s see what real transformation looks like
Veamos qué es posible para el agua.
Al trabajar con nosotros, elaboraremos juntos estrategias para tomar decisiones concretas, informadas y basadas en datos, y planificaremos con confianza el futuro.