Holding tanks

Una solución para gestionar los caudales, reducir las inundaciones, cumpliendo con los objetivos de sostenibilidad.

Con Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua, gestionar todos los aspectos de su sistema de aguas residuales nunca ha sido tan fácil. Desde el pronóstico y control de eventos climáticos o descargas hasta la optimización de la eficiencia operativa en plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales y alcantarillado, Xylem Vue proporciona inteligencia y análisis a nivel de red, planta y activos o vistas personalizadas que se puedan requerir. 

Detección, predicción y prevención

Nuestra tecnología supervisa y automatiza cada parte de su proceso de aguas residuales, protegiendo todo, desde sus plantas de tratamiento hasta sus redes de alcantarillado.

Gestión unificada de la red

Supervisión remota en tiempo real de todo el sistema y acciones sugeridas para las redes de alcantarillado que simplifican la toma de decisiones, optimizan las operaciones y mejoran los resultados operativos.

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Predicción de SSO/CSO

Comprenda el estado actual de la red con datos de sensores y utilice datos adicionales como niveles de ríos/mareas, previsiones de precipitaciones, etc. para predecir el impacto futuro de los fenómenos meteorológicos en el rendimiento de la red.

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Ayuda a la toma de decisiones en tiempo real para plantas

La monitorización digital en tiempo real y el modelado optimizado simulan los procesos de tratamiento y mejoran el control de la planta para reducir los costes energéticos o de dosificación, al tiempo que garantizan el cumplimiento de la normativa.

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Vigilancia biológica

 Detecte altas cargas víricas (como SARS-CoV-2) en las aguas residuales para ayudar a las autoridades y a los técnicos a optimizar la toma de decisiones sobre su control.

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Gestión unificada de plantas

Monitorización remota en tiempo real de todo el sistema y acciones sugeridas para las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales con el fin de simplificar la toma de decisiones, optimizar las operaciones y mejorar los resultados de todas las plantas monitorizadas.

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Monitorización de atascos

Optimización de la limpieza en redes de alcantarillado para evitar desbordamientos por obstrucción (SSO) y asegurar su capacidad hidráulica.

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Ayuda a la toma de decisiones en tiempo real

Un sistema de alerta temprana para las redes de alcantarillado, conectado a la previsión meteorológica y a los datos en tiempo real para ayudar a garantizar la optimización de la capacidad del sistema.

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Una única plataforma para la gestión de redes de aguas residuales

Una única plataforma para la gestión de redes de aguas residuales

Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua reúne información de procesos e infraestructuras en un modelo único de tres capas: nuestro Smart Water Engine, que recopila, procesa y estandariza datos para ofrecer soluciones específicas de agua potable, y un panel central de BI para visualizar indicadores clave.

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Wastewater Management Software Helps Buffalo Cut Combined Sewer Overflows by 450 Million Gallons

Wastewater Management Software Helps Buffalo Cut Combined Sewer Overflows by 450 Million Gallons

Buffalo, once a booming industrial city, has long struggled with combined sewer overflows (CSOs) that discharge billions of gallons of untreated wastewater into local waterways each year. Facing a costly $525 million consent agreement to upgrade its aging infrastructure, the Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA) needed an innovative and cost-effective solution. 

BSA partnered with Xylem to develop a real-time decision support system (RT-DSS) to optimize the city's infrastructure using Xylem Vue’s SSO/CSO Prediction and Prevention application. This wastewater management software optimizes Buffalo's existing infrastructure by building inline storage vaults and using predictive analytics to minimize CSOs. In just the first year, the initial three sites reduced overflows by an astounding 450 million gallons - four times more than expected with full implementation. Thanks to this wastewater management software, BSA revised its long-term control plan to save at least $145 million while drastically cutting pollution and making the city an environmental leader.

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City of Richmond Leverages Real-Time Data Analytics to Reduce Combined Sewer Overflows

City of Richmond Leverages Real-Time Data Analytics to Reduce Combined Sewer Overflows

After receiving a mandate from the Virginia General Assembly to reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and improve water quality in the James River by 2035, the City of Richmond needed to identify cost-effective solutions. Previously relying on static hydraulic models with limited accuracy, the city partnered with Xylem to install real-time sensors across its network and gain better visibility into its combined sewer system through its advanced wastewater management software.

Utilizing Xylem Vue's SSO/CSO Prediction and Prevention application, Richmond combined data from 99 sensors with Xylem's hydroinformatics expertise to visualize network operations and identify potential upgrade projects. Xylem's advanced modeling simulations evaluated 18 potential projects, narrowing it down to 10 projects included in Richmond's Interim Plan. These projects are expected to reduce approximately 182 million gallons of annual CSO volume at an average mitigation cost of only $0.18 per gallon – over 200% more cost-effective than previous projects. Additionally, Xylem developed a publicly accessible online map showing real-time CSO events, increasing transparency for residents. With an actionable plan avoiding costly infrastructure, Richmond is now on track for regulatory compliance while achieving transformative outcomes.

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Wastewater Management Software Saves Cincinnati $38 Million by Reducing Overflows

Wastewater Management Software Saves Cincinnati $38 Million by Reducing Overflows

The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD) was under a federal consent decree to eliminate sanitary sewer overflows and mitigate billions of gallons of combined sewer overflows into local waterways each year. However, the estimated $3.1 billion capital cost for traditional infrastructure upgrades was unaffordable. MSD needed a smarter, more cost-effective solution to optimize its existing assets and meet environmental regulations.

MSD partnered with Xylem to implement the SSO/CSO Prediction and Prevention application, part of its wastewater management software – Xylem Vue. This application incorporates digital twin technology and creates a real-time decision support system by combining sensor data, weather forecasts, and AI analytics to automatically control storage facilities, high-rate treatment, and flows through Cincinnati's sewer network. The coordinated system helped MSD achieve remarkable results - reducing overflows by 247 million gallons annually based on 2015 rainfall. Compared to a $38 million capital project cost, MSD saved over 90% while mitigating overflows for less than $0.01 per gallon. 

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