Le damos la bienvenida a Making Waves, donde encontrará historias sobre el agua de Xylem, una empresa mundial de tecnología del agua con la misión de resolver el problema del agua.
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Historias destacadas del equipo de redacción
All Posts in Solving Water Together
Step up for Your Watershed
The ocean and climate are inextricably linked. Covering 70 percent of the Earth's surface, the ocean transports heat from the equator to the poles, regulating...
Partnering to Solve Water in India
Partnership is core to how Xylem operates and to our work to solve water in India. To solve the world’s biggest water challenges, you need partners who share a...
Solving water in India’s most vulnerable communities
UNICEF has set ambitious goals to expand its water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs in India, where poorer communities struggle due to lack of services...
Xylem Ignite is a global youth initiative focused on building a strong network of passionate student leaders and empower them to drive real changes in the...
Solving Water in Crisis-Affected Communities
For millions, disasters are not one-time events but an ongoing reality as communities around the world face increasingly severe and frequent disasters. Xylem...
P&R con el CEO de Xylem, Patrick Decker: 10º aniversario resolviendo el problema del agua
Xylem celebra su 10º aniversario resolviendo el problema del agua, tras debutar hace una década como empresa independiente en la Bolsa de Nueva York después de...