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Para modernizar un tanque de aireación de una importante planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de Toulouse (Francia), la planta necesitaba una solución de...
As extreme weather events like heavy rainfall and flooding become more frequent, combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are putting greater strain on urban water...
This November, you can turn your everyday exercise into funding for community water projects. When you register for the Aquaton virtual global marathon, Xylem...
When two students noticed that PFAS pollution wasn't getting enough attention in the UK, they decided to do something about it. Christopher Whitfeld and Wenqi...
Next week is WEFTEC 2024, the premier event for water quality professionals. Xylem will be showcasing a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to move,...
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Making Waves informa sobre las novedades de Xylem, una empresa líder mundial en tecnología del agua. Las soluciones de Xylem incluyen productos y servicios que mueven, tratan, analizan y monitorizan el agua.