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Xylem recognizes that meeting regulatory compliance with wastewater from meat and poultry is tough. It requires both the right pumping and treatment equipment to ensure a speedy uptake out of the slaughter and processing halls effectively into the external effluent plants.
Our tough wastewater pumping equipment ensures that your treatment plant is not affected by unnecessary downtime. Moreover, our cleaning and disinfection technologies ensure that the water you discharge is safe, secure and compliant with legal regulations by removing all possible microorganisms from the wastewater.
A leading supplier of small pumps, motors and dispensing pumps for a variety of industries
Una gama de productos y soluciones de primera clase para el traslado y el tratamiento de a
Leading in the leisure marine and industrial markets, including hygienic applications
Tecnologías de tratamiento de agua y aguas residuales fiables y respetuosas con el medio a
Innovative, cost-effective product solutions and services for the food and beverage industry
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