Featured Outcome


City of South Bend saves $400 million in CapEx spending by reducing combined sewer overflow by 80%

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Featured Solution

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Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua: Optimizing decision making. Streamlining management of operations. Simplifying digital transformation. ​

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3 simple steps to supercharge your digital twin for next-level performance and cost-savings

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Extend the performance of your most valuable assets and reduce risks

Utilities strive to provide reliable, uninterrupted service – but delivering on this promise is a daily challenge with miles of underground pipe, thousands of metering sites and the risk of a critical failure always looming. Xylem Vue supports utilities with digital solutions to manage and maintain critical assets, whether these are pipes and valves, rotating equipment, or metering networks. Utilities save time and money addressing problems more efficiently, and communities see even higher levels of service.

See real-world client outcomes achieved with Xylem Vue

Utilities are realizing transformational results by leveraging Xylem Vue’s digital solutions and data-driven intelligence to make effective, informed decisions and plan more confidently for the future.

Over $1M

saved by preventing pipeline failures and maximizing asset life in Ontario, Canada

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reduction in transient magnitudes (from 60 PSI to 10 PSI) for Tuas Power in Singapore

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actionable data delivered to Scottish Water on 3,382 pipes, identifying 12 with defects

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metering issues identified for investigation for an Orange County utility

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reduction in project planning time (5 days) for the city of Raleigh in North Carolina

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major leaks identified, preventing premature asset failure for Air Selangor, Malaysia

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    “We use inspection and monitoring data combined with engineering analyses to identify urgent repair needs and plan future maintenance and capital projects...we are making proactive, cost-effective and timely investments that benefit the region’s municipalities...”

    Andrew J. Henry, P. Eng.
    Lake Huron & Elgin Area Water Supply Systems

    Read the case study

Proven solutions that can transform your utility