Úgy néz ki, az országa United States, de az aktuálisan kiválasztott weboldal Hungary. Kíván oldalt váltani?
When it comes to the production of soft drinks, juices and other beverages, whether you’re a large multi-national with steep water and energy environmental targets or a small scale producer where savings are important for business sustainability, there is significant opportunity to reduce and recycle water use, as well as improve energy use within the water management system, which are often overlooked.
Our UV and ozone disinfection can be used to treat incoming water, can replace chemicals in CIP process for intermediary reuse, and help reduce energy and water use for cleaning and disinfection during process, manufacturing and bottling. We also offer solutions that help manage and minimize wastewater treatment and improve management KPIs.
A leading supplier of small pumps, motors and dispensing pumps for a variety of industries
Megbízható és gazdaságos Lowara megoldások a tiszta és piszkos víz szivattyúzásához és ker
Biológiai szennyvíztisztítási megoldások közüzemi és ipari alkalmazások számára.
Megbízható és környezetbarát víz- és szennyvízkezelési technológiák.
Innovative and smart technology solutions
Efficient and reliable water supply for cooling, washing, rinsing and filling
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