HydroSurveyor-M9 powered by HYPACK Max – Learn how this new powerhouse pair take hydrographic surveying to the next level!

Durata: 51:07

You might have heard the buzz about the new HydroSurveyor-M9, CastAway-CTD and HYPACK integration, but what does this partnership mean to you? Well, it’s not all hype! If your day-job is collecting bathymetric data, they you will want to view this presentation as SonTek Product Manager, Isaac Jones, and HYPACK General Manager, Harold Orlinsky provide details and show example surveys that utilized this powerful instrument/software duo that are solving real-world problems today!

HydroSurveyor-M9/HYPACK Brochure

Isaac and Harold will spend about an hour going over the basics and answer any questions you might have about the HydroSurveyor and HYPACK. They will talk about the value this combination provides when you need:

  • To get quality data faster and with less fuss. Water sound speed corrections are interpolated in both space and time with the fully integrated CastAway-CTD and HYPACK, delivering agility and accuracy to your surveys. Bluetooth download integrated - no cables required!
  • To survey under and around bridges with two available position references – GPS and bottom track (acoustic speed over ground) provided by the HydroSurveyor-M9
  • A complete, compact package for measuring bathymetry and correcting sound speed from a vessel of any size

We are always happy to answer your questions about the HydroSurveyor-M9, CastAway-CTD and HYPACK at any time.

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