Watercare, New Zealand
Embracing net zero to become an engine of energy production

The New Zealand utility is modernizing its network to phase out fossil fuels and embrace renewable energy.

For Watercare, decarbonization is about more than emissions reduction. The Auckland-based utility serves 1.7 million people. It is rolling out a comprehensive strategy to modernize its network, including phasing out fossil fuels through energy efficiency, switching to renewable energy, and generating onsite renewable energy.

Watercare achieved early wins by purchasing renewable energy from the grid.

The utility integrates capital and operational strategies, considering the lifecycle of infrastructure projects to ensure that decarbonization efforts support long-term resilience and sustainability. For example, Watercare now generates energy onsite, with six solar projects underway and more planned. 


Watercare views decarbonization as an opportunity to reimagine conventional water management.

"Every decision we make has to consider the future, including how we operate today and how we build, operate, and power in a net-zero world. We need to build in a way that we're proud of when we look back," — Chris Thurston, former head of sustainability at Watercare

Watercare's net-zero strategy is part of a holistic infrastructure modernization agenda, enabling it to prioritize investments that drive both operational and sustainability goals.

Turn Insight into Action:

Buy renewable energy where possible. Better still, generate it onsite.

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