Get Ready Now for “Godzilla” and Other Coming Weather Events

Get Ready Now for “Godzilla” and Other Coming Weather Events

A lot of flooding events occur with little or no warning. But for the next six months, the entire United States should be on high alert. 

Right now, the East Coast is in the heart of hurricane season, and while it has so far lived up to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates of a below average number of storms, it only takes one big one making landfall to cause flooding havoc. 

Then, just when hurricane season winds down in November, El Niño is going to make a return appearance on the West Coast, bringing larger-than-normal amounts of rainstorms in a short time frame during the winter months. This weather pattern – caused by warm Pacific Ocean temperatures – comes at irregular intervals and varying strengths. By all indications, this one is going to pack quite a punch. In fact, one NASA scientist said it has a "Godzilla" potential to reap ruin with torrential rains.

There is a silver lining in all these gathering rain clouds. These forecasts give you time to develop or strengthen your contingency plan – and Xylem has a nationwide network of rental pumps ready if the worst does happen. A lot of times, these weather events lead to power outages, and our diesel-powered pumps and Dri-Prime Backup System can get you through these dark times.

Every company should have a contingency plan that includes an emergency contact for pump rentals to keep floodwaters from doing too much damage and to speed your post-storm dewatering efforts.


If you are looking for a reason to start writing or updating your contingency plan, here's one: September is National Preparedness Month. It's sponsored by FEMA, and as part of their recommended "PrepareAthon" activities, why not create a contingency plan that covers all the bases and is as useful as it is current?

We can help you kick-start your efforts.  In addition to the rental pumps, a local Xylem representative can meet with your team for a free Contingency Planning meeting.

Weather forecasts and climate predictions are not an exact science. But you don't want to be caught off guard if a Sandy, Katrina or Godzilla does come your way. A little planning time now can save you tons of recovery time later on.  The best tact to take when it comes to weather and your business is to "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."  It's not negative thinking, it's smart planning. And at Xylem, you have a partner who can provide the equipment and people to help protect your business from going under – literally – when the flood waters do come.

da Michael J. Delzingaro