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  • MagFlux®

    Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Stable and accurate flow measurements
    of pressurised, closed pipe systems.

    Read More

  • Expert™ Series

    Hydrostatic Level Transmitters
    Designed for immersion in open tanks,
    wet-wells, ground water and reservoirs

    Learn More

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Electromagnetic Flow Measurement


MagFlux® flowmeters are designed to measure flow rates in all types of conductive fluids, including drinking water, wastewater, sludge and process water. The flow meters are produced in fiberglass-reinforced polyester, which is why they can withstand virtually all environmental challenges they are exposed to.

Flow Measurement

Durable and High Precision Level Measurement


MJK level transmitters excel to the top of their categories, are extremely durable and robust, and designed for level measurement by immersion in slurries, wastewater and sludge.

Level Measurement

Data Logger with Integrated Modem


Chatter™ Data Logger is designed for monitoring drinking water and waste water installations. It has a built-in multichannel data logger, a GSM / GPRS modem and a battery ensuring up to 5 - 10 years of continuous operation. Available in two different versions: one for pipe mounting and one for wall mount.

Chatter™ Data Logger


Open Channel Flow Measurement


The 713 open channel flow meter can be used for measuring and recording flow in all types of open channels and overflows as well as non-standard channels on treatment plants and overflow installations. Here, the flow is calculated based on hydrostatic or ultrasonic level measurement.

Open Channel Flow Meter
