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Network condition assessment and water leak detection

Water leaks and structural weaknesses in your pipes are a sign that your drinking water network could soon fail. Find out how Xylem’s intelligent sensors and water meters, smart network and digital solutions can help you find the exact location of problem areas. This enables you to detect and fix weaknesses before they cause a major shutdown.

Xylem solutions to detect leaks and prevent network failure

Xylem’s portfolio of smart water meters, pressure sensors and network management software give your critical information about the health of your clean water distribution network. Our AI software use real time date to give you the information you need to identify risks, detect the exact locations of failed pipes, and reduce your real water losses, without interrupting operation of the network. This decision intelligence empower you to make best capital and operation decision in the management of water transfers and distribution.

Get leaks under control with better volumetric data

With aging infrastructure, it can be difficult and costly for water utilities to be aware of the water efficiency of their network. Xylem’s water volumetric meters for transmission main and distribution networks are the first step in regaining control on water leakages. We help you quickly be informed about your real water losses.

Find the exact location of water leaks

Repairing water leaks in water transmission main and distribution network is very costly and time consuming for utilities. Our acoustic and electromagnetic sensors and digital software make it easy to assess the pipe conditions, detect the exact location of leaks and identify weak areas. The reparation efforts are then centralized to the exact location of the leaks and costs are minimized.

Take data-driven decisions based on newly available information

Your return on investment matters to us. Our condition assessment solutions give you the information you need to make smarter decisions about repairing or replacing your network. Xylem’s technology can help you optimize your assets at a fraction of the cost.

Identify zones at risk with simulation software

Do you feel like there isn’t enough time to fix it all? Our network management software can help you make the best use of your time by running operation simulations to identify zones at risk. We can help you monitor the integrity of your water network and prioritize the needs of efforts for you.




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Als de apparatuur van Xylem verstandig en veilig wordt ingezet, krijgt u meer opbrengst van uw investering. U hebt apparatuur van Xylem gekocht vanwege de duurzaamheid, betrouwbaarheid en efficiëntie. Zorg ervoor dat u hier optimaal gebruik van...
Extra apparatuur kopen voor korte termijn-projecten kan uw budget onder druk zetten Als u de bijbehorende kosten voor onderhoud, onderdelen en service, opslag en beheer bij uw uitgaven optelt, kan dit een extra belasting vormen op uw budget.

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