Energy is frequently the largest non-personnel operating expense for water and wastewater utilities, currently accounts for an average of 40% of operational costs and is expected to increase to 60% within the next 15 years. Through data-informed insights, intelligence and control, Xylem Vue helps clients to achieve ever-greater levels of energy efficiency, unlocking financial savings, environmental benefits, and paving the way toward a net-zero emissions future.
See real-world client outcomes achieved with Xylem Vue
Utilities are realizing transformational results by leveraging Xylem Vue’s digital solutions and data-driven intelligence to make effective, informed decisions and plan more confidently for the future.
“The plant has shown a 30% reduction in aeration energy usage, corresponding to 1.2 million kWh annually — enough energy to power 64 homes for one year."
Cuxhaven, Germany
Proven solutions that can transform your utility
Laten we zien wat er mogelijk is met water.
Door samen te werken ontdekken we de inzichten die nodig zijn om op data gebaseerde beslissingen te nemen en met vertrouwen plannen te maken voor de toekomst.